OA-Watcher commands
This discord bot is available in the Orbital Ape discord.
Each command can be sent in the dedicated channel #oa-watcher or directly in direct message.
List all available commands
Get the floor price for rank and generation traits
Get highest collection offer
Green circles show offers with enough available amount to be filled (red offers can’t be executed)
It’s also possible to see offers for a specific Ape.
$offer <ape-id>
In the screen bellow, the offer of 389 wevmos concern just this ape (classic offer) but have not enough wevmos on this wallet.
Get auction in progress
This command list 5 auctions ordered by date of end.
- Circle say if at least one bid is set (green circle) or not (red circle)
- reserve price / current highest bid. the first bid for exemple have a reserve price of 777 evmos, and no bid at the moment.
- Others information are the ape id, his rarity and his rank/generation.
Get details of an APE, by ape number
$ape <ape-id>
Get details of an APE, by rarity
$rank <rank-number>
Link wallets to the bot
To use features specific to wallet, it’s necessary to link the wallet first. wallets can be added or removed with 2 commands
# Link the wallet 0x4C275aDE386Af17276834579b1A68146cef3C771
$wallet add 0x0a4cc7c2edfe9ff2d450fbf8c578e3a6aa1befc7
#remove the wallet 0x4C275aDE386Af17276834579b1A68146cef3C771
$wallet del 0x0a4cc7c2edfe9ff2d450fbf8c578e3a6aa1befc7
Linked wallets can be see directly
Get Apes number and estimated evmos value based on the floor
Enable notifications for many events
$notif list
this command list all available notifications you will receive in private and show if there are enabled for all linked wallets. notifications 0,1 and 3 are enable in the screenshot. Like wallet, command add and del enable/disable notifications.
$notif add <notif-id>
$notif del <notif-id>
Show weekly pending rewards (TORI, REBUS…)
This command show 20% of validator rewards distributed from node Nuxian-Labs and Orbital Ape.
Rewards are distributed weekly, every sunday.