Orbital Ape eco-system rewards
The goal of this page is to explain different available rewards and how to get it.
Owning an Orbital Ape from the main collection
there are 10,000 Orbital Ape NFT, the mint is over and they can be buy here:
The smart-contract of this collection is 0x4c275ade386af17276834579b1a68146cef3c770
Many rewards can be claimed when you own at least 1 Orbital Ape (OA):
Validator rewards
- Daily validator rewards on evmos
- 50% of profits generated by the evmos validator Orbital Ape are sent to OA holders.
- Weekly validator rewards on teritori, claimable every sunday
- 20% of profits generated by both validators Orbital Ape and Nuxian-Labs are sent to OA holders, as an erc20 evmos token.
Currently, the erc20 tori token can’t be easily converted in a ibc-token (needed to be sent with an IBC transfer on the teritori blockchain)
- 20% of profits generated by both validators Orbital Ape and Nuxian-Labs are sent to OA holders, as an erc20 evmos token.
- In the future, other blockchains will be added (rebus, osmosis…)
Marketplace fee rewards
Also, 20% of marketplace fee are sent to OA holders. Fee are generated when an orbital ape is sold on the marketplace.
Staking on the validator guild
Orbital Ape Validator (OAV)
When you stake your evmos on the Orbital Ape validator, you will receive OAV. there are 1,000,000 OAV distributed to all evmos staker at the end of each month.
This token can be used to buy NFT of the collection Orbital Apes Limited: https://www.orbitmarket.io/collection/0xa05e4ae95fb9b32fcd80ffd6c275db8b0842883b
This NFT cannot give any rewards like the Orbital Ape main collection
Staking other token (tori, rebus, Osmo, Nomic etc…)
20% of profits generated by both validators Orbital Ape and Nuxian-Labs are sent to OA holders.
All available nodes are listed here: